If you have COVID-19 symptoms

If you feel that you are infected with coronavirus or developed the symptoms for coronavirus, which are: a high fever, a continuous dry cough or body pain. You should follow the health advisory from the Indian government. You can visit to get up-to-date guidelines regarding COVID-19.

At present, when the whole country is under lockdown, GNA University is not only concerned about physical health but as well as Mental health of our students and staff.

WHO has released 31-point general guidance that targets the healthcare workers explicitly; the general population; health facility manager; childcare providers; older adults and people with primary health conditions; and those who are in self quarantine.

Department of Mental Health and Substance Use of UN health agency has advised the general public on safeguarding their mental health as well.

GNA University is also looking after your Mental Health

General Guidelines

  • It is advised that you should seek information and updates regarding COVID-19 only from a trusted source. Watching, reading or listening to the news in excess can stress you out or make you anxious. You should act more practical and follow the guidelines given by the Indian government and WHO so that you can protect yourself and your loved ones from this pandemic.? 

  • To get the correct fact and news regarding coronavirus visit Ministry of health and family welfare, the constant flow of news reports about coronavirus can create a stressful environment. You should get the facts, not the misinformation and rumors.?  
    “Keep things in perspective…and avoid listening to or following rumors”, concluded WHO.

  • In these tough times, we need to support each other. Supporting people in their time of need can help them mentally, it can destress them and help them in coping up with the current situation. You should regularly check on your friends and family via telephone or social media. 

  • We need to take care specially of our elderly as per WHO and MOHFW guidelines, People older than 60 years of age and people with medical problems like high blood pressure, heart problems, respiratory disease/asthma, cancer or diabetes are at higher risk for developing severe complications.  
    The whole GNA University community students, staff and faculty, work together as one. We believe in creating solidarity in our community and we will help, protect and address the COVID-19 coronavirus together.

  • We should not correlate Covid-19 with anyone's ethnicity or nationality. Everyone deserves compassion, empathy and kindness.

  • We should focus more on positive cases and share stories of people who had recovered from Covid-19. By sharing stories and experiences of people helps others and motivates them to fight against this disease.  

  • Indulge yourself in creative activities that you like. Keeping yourself busy will help you to reduce boredom. 

For more information regarding COVID-19 coronavirus please visit:

  • Ministry of Health and family welfare
  • World health organization
  • United Nations

About Us

GNA University – Developing your potential is integral part of our curriculum fostering the paradigms of multiple intelligence, the top private University in north India.