

GNA Unversity Library has a well equipped library journals,databases and other resources to support the academic needs of students. The library also provides access to digital resources, such as:

  • E-books
  • E-Journals
  • E-databases provides various services
  • Including document delivery
  • Inter library loan
  • Information literacy
  • Other information services


Global Business Review(7052)
ISSN No.- 0972-1509 SCOPUS Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.(53)
UGC Approved
HSN Code:- 4902902035I

Journal of Emerging Market Finance(2472)
ISSN No.- 0972-6527 SCOPUS Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.(53)
HSN Code:- 4902902037Journal of Entrepreneurship(6585)
ISSN No.- 0971-3557 SCOPUS Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.(53)
HSN Code:- 4902902038

South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases(12437)
ISSN No.- 2277-9779 SCOPUS Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.(53)
UGC Approved
HSN Code:- 49029020

Vikalpa (UGC-32631) [Delay Publication](101)
ISSN No.- 0256-0909 SCOPUS
Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.(53)
UGC Approved
HSN Code:- 49029020

Journal of Entrepreneurship(6585)
ISSN No.- 0971-3557 SCOPUS Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.(53)
HSN Code:- 49029020

IIM Kozhikode Society and Management Review(10933)
ISSN No.- 2277-9752 Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.(53)
UGC Approved
HSN Code:- 49029020

Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective(8192)
ISSN No.- 0972- 2629 SCOPUS Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.(53)
HSN Code:- 49029020


A library is a service provider institution and the university library is no exception to it. University library is a spring of knowledge and information provided will always be valued at a premium. In the modern significantly and socially vigilant society, especially when the grains of right to information are gaining much currency, the university libraries are sanguinely expected to be more responsive and interactive with their users. The library service which brings the staff in contact with users to provide the right information at the right time and to help them in finding out resources and providing required information should be emphasized.

Lending Service

This is the key feature of library services. For availing lending (issue/return) service students need to produce Identity Card of the university. The LRC lending service is fully computerized with the bar-code technology through Koha library management software. The books can be checked out and returned under the specified library rules.

Inter Library Loan (ILL) Service

DELNET was started at the India International Centre Library in January 1988 and was registered as a society in 1992. It was initially supported by the National Information System for Science and Technology (NISSAT), Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India. It was subsequently supported by the National Informatics Centre, Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India and the Ministry of Culture, Government of India.
URL: (The access is through IP range of the institute, hence no login credentials are required to)

Reference Services

LRC users may approach the Reference Desk for getting any information or any type of assistance for using LRC resources and services. The LRC do have separate collections of Reference and reserve materials for short queries such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, Text Books, General Books etc.

Reprography Service

The LRC believes in Green Environment and advocate the policy of paper less environment. Students are discouraged to take print of Electronic resources available openly and freely. However, photocopy of print resources are allowed. The library has photocopy service for the users. In general, the material which will not be damaged in photocopying process can be considered for photocopies. Students and faculty can avail photocopy service of the library at economically rate.

Reservation Service

Book(s) can be reserved if required. However, the LRC will not keep the book reserved for more than one day, and thereafter, the same book will be issued to the next student in waiting.


The main library is open during University working hours 24 Hours


  • Strict silence, decorum and discipline must be maintained in the library.
  • Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited in the library premises.
  • Every member must sign the register available at the entrance.
  • Students have to bear the Identity Card for entering the Library.
  • Books will be issued to only individuals and not to groups or areas.
  • Books once issued, should not be brought inside, unless it is to be returned.
  • Users should not deface, cut, mutilate or damage Library Materials (including documents) in any form. If found guilty, User will be charged double the cost of that particular material.
  • Newspapers and Magazines must be read only in the library on specific tables and should not be taken to any other reading areas.
  • Eatables/bags/personal books or journals in the library will not be allowed.
  • The library card is not transferable and its loss must immediately be reported to the library. User will be held responsible for misuse of his/her library card.
  • Any change of address may please be intimated to the Library in written.
  • For misplaced, un-priced, gratis publications, rate as approved by Library Committee will be applicable.
  • Members are free to browse the books in the Library and the books taken out of the shelves should be left on the reading tables.
  • Book issue /return for user 24 Hours

Journals (unbound issues)/Reference Books/ Reports will not be issued from the library

  • No circulation will take place from the Reference Library.
  • Defaulters, in case of delay after the permissible period of loan, the defaulters’ will not be issued any publication till they clear the past account of the Library.

Faculty/research Scholars/research Associate.

  • A maximum of 04 books will be issued to a Faculty member for a period of one month from the date of issue.
  • A maximum of 02 books will be issued to a Research Scholar/Research Associate for a period of one month from the date of issue.
  • Loss/damage/disfiguring/tearing of pages of Library books, twice the prevailing cost of the book (as replacement cost) will be charged in case of non-replacement fines till the date of replacement of book/ submission of book replacement cost will be applicable, barring few exceptions*
  • So, ensure you are not receiving any such book else report it to the library staff.
  • On discontinuity/cessation of services, obtain ‘No Dues Certificate’ from the Library.

University Staff

  • A maximum of 04 books will be issued to a Staff member for a period of One month from the date of issue.
  • On discontinuity/cessation of services, obtain ‘No Dues Certificate’ from the Central Library.


  • A maximum of 02 books will be issued to a student for a 14 days from the date of issue.
  • A fine of re 10/- per day/ per book will be levied/ charged for delay of books.
  • In case of loss/damage/disfiguring/tearing of pages of Library books, student will be charged twice the prevailing cost of the book. So, ensure you are not receiving any such book else report it to the library staff.
  • In case of loss/damage of either of Library Membership ID Card a fine of Rs.100/- will be charged and duplicate card will be issued on recommendation of Competent Authority
  • Loss of card twice will be subject to non-availability of library facility for a month.

The Librarian is empowered to recall any book at any time if necessity arises.

* Anyone who violates the rules and regulations of the library would be liable to lose the privilege of Library Membership. The Librarian, with the approval of the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor reserves the right to add, delete, alter or modify any of the above rules as and when required.

Jyoti Bala - Deputy Librarian

UGC Net Qualify, Post-graduate in Library and Information Science.

Jyoti Bala is an experienced librarian with a demonstrated history of working in the education management industry. She holds a prestigious UGC Net exam in Library and Information Science. She did her post-graduate in Library and Information Science From Punjabi University Patiala

With an enriched experience of more than 13 years in Academia, Jyoti Bala has been associated with GNA University since April 2023. She is presently the Deputy Librarian of the GNA Learning Resource Center at the university. As a Deputy Librarian specializing in Information Science, Automation in Housekeeping Operations with Koha software, D-space Institutional Repository, RFID system, Strong Community, and Social services professional with an M.lib and Information Science. To date, She has presented 02 research articles at conferences and seminars, 13 workshops attended in the field of library and information science, and conducted a Library orientation program with presentation sessions for students in different schools. Jyoti Bala believes in the philosophy of growth and development through innovation and hard work and also imparts leadership qualities and strong communication skills to her users.


Selected list of web based open accessible Encyclopedia

To browse the more list of Internet Encyclopedias click here


HathiTrust Digital Library

A collaborative electronic book repository supported by 60 academic and research libraries. It provides free access to books, serials, standards, theses, etc.

Internet Archive

Internet Archive is nonprofit digital library providing the free public access to collection of digitized materials, including websites, music moving images and public domain books.

Million Book Project

A digitization project of books initiated by Carnegie Mellon University. It provides access to over 1.5 million e-books to the readers.

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg offers over 46,000 free ebooks, user can choose among free e-pub format books, free kindle books, download them or read them online.

Medical E-Books PDF

Pharmacy E-Books PDF

E-Books Directory

Punjabi E-Books

Punjabi Pedia

Hindi Books

English Books



Open Access database of chemistry resources at European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI).


ChemSpider is a free chemical structure database providing full- text and access to over 58 million structures from hundreds of data sources owned by the Royal Society of Chemistry.


ChemSynthesis is a freely accessible database of chemicals. There are currently more than 40,000 compounds and more than 45,000 synthesis references in the database.

Civil Engineering Database (CEDB)

A free bibliographic database offering over 200,000 records of all publications by American Society of Civil Engineers.

Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies

This is a collection of bibliographies of scientific literature in computer science from various sources, covering most aspects of computer science.

DBLP Computer Science Bibliography

DBLP Provides bibliographic information on Computer Science. Indexes more than 1 million articles and also it contains 10,000 links to home pages of Computer Scientists.

Education Resources Information Center (ERIC)

This database provides access to over 1.5 million educational literature and resources.

Indian Science Abstracts

Indian Science Abstracts (ISA) is a bibliographical database published by NISCAIR.


IndMED - bibliographic database covering prominent peer reviewed 100 Indian medical journals bibliography.


It is a database primarily of references and abstracts on life sciences and biomedical topics.


Bioline International

Provides open access to quality research journals published in developing countries on biodiversity, environment, conservation and international development.

BioMed Central (BMC)

BioMed Central is an Open Access (OA) publisher and few of their journals cover Neurobiology, Neuroscience, Neurology and Psychiatry topics.

BMJ Open

An online open access journal dedicated to publishing medical research from all disciplines and therapeutic areas.

PLoS Journals

A nonprofit open access scientific publishing project aimed at creating a library of journals and other scientific literature under an open content license.

PubMed Central

PubMed Central (PMC) is a free digital repository that archives publicly accessible full-text scholarly articles that have been published within the biomedical and life sciences journal literature.


EBSCO Open Dissertations is a collaboration between EBSCO and BiblioLabs that brings an innovative approach to increasing traffic and discoverability of ETD research.

NDLTD: Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations

Contains metadata & full text of more than one million electronic theses and dissertations contributed by 125+ member universities & consortia. To visit the Global ETD Search -

Open Access Theses and Dissertations (OATD)

Indexes theses and dissertations from well-known sources and provide direct link to the full text ETD.

PQDT OPEN: ProQuest Digital Theses

Provides access to full text of theses submitted by the researcher himself under open access initiative with PQDT open.

ShodhGanga, India

A source for theses submitted to Indian universities, which includes biological sciences & engineering.



About Us

GNA University – Developing your potential is integral part of our curriculum fostering the paradigms of multiple intelligence, the top private University in north India.