Electronics Communication Engineering
19-01-2019Electronics Communication Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering is the branch of engineering that is the encapsulation of hardware and software aiming at providing the cutting edge technologies to the people. Be it Industry 4.0, 5G technologies, Smart TVs, Humanoids, Smart Mobile Sets and many more are all the technological solutions provided by electronics & communication engineers. The opportunities are plenteous for electronics and communication engineers as they are employed in variety of sectors such as telecommunication, civil aviation, development centers in various States, Defense, NPL, A.I.R, Posts and Telegraph Department, Railways, Bharat Electronics Limited, D.R.D.O, Software Engineering/IT, Power sector, Hardware Manufacturing, Home Appliance and VLSI design, Television Industry and Research & Development.

At GNA University, we have excellent faculty and staff dedicated for the holistic growth of the students to stand up against the demanding technologies of the coming future. We have exceptionally well maintained labs set up with all necessary and advanced components required for the understanding of deep concepts of study and research dedicated to core electronics, telecommunications, mechatronics and computer systems with dedicated virtual lab for simulation oriented tasks build in collaboration with IIT Delhi under the initiative of VLABs as well as separate embedded systems lab for robotics and other programming techniques. PLC lab is new place to look for Programmable Logical Controls and is top of tier and in region. Also our partnerships with Videocon Telecommunication services allowed us to setup one of its kind advanced communication lab in the area at our campus which has a live view technology of mobile base station working and also this lab offers advanced optical fibre communication lab where modes of optical fibre operation and various splicing techniques can be demonstrated to students. We are dedicated to provide insight depth knowledge in the field of industrial IoT which is our own industry oriented course for Internet of Things in which we provide practical aspects of IoT for industries. Robotics lab at our campus is a place to look for all machine learning and robotics resources. Our curriculum includes latest in PLC and Embedded Systems such as ARM Microcontrollers and AVR. On practical aspects we provide strong foundation to our students with the help of Industry leading softwares such as MATLAB and in hardware section with Arduino and Raspberry Pi. Our university has established NPTEL Local Chapter in collaboration with NPTEL-An initiative of MHRD for online learning resources and provides facility of getting IIT Certifications in various fields. Come visit us and have the feel of accomplishment yourself.