
GNA Journal of Management & Technology

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1 Awareness of Voters toward Political Marketing and Campaigning in Punjab.
Dr. Pankaj Goel, Dr. Amanpreet Singh Brar
2 Contemporary Investment Avenues: An Investor's Outlook.
Dr. Ashutosh Gupta, Dr. Gitika Nagrath
3 A Review On Electroplating Industrial Operations And Its Impact On Water Quality.
Vivek Pandey, Dr. V.K Rattan
4 Digital HR for Performance and Business Excellence.
Anurag Sharma, Dr. Ashutosh Verma & Dr. Ruchi Tyagi
5 An Analytic Study of Health Related Quality of Life in Patients with a Hematological Disorder.
Manudeep Kaushal, Dr. S.K. Singla
6 Work-life Balance among Employed Females: A Study based on COVID-19 Pandemic.
Rajwinder kaur
7 An Empirical study to explore the future of processed in relation to health conscious consumers
Dr. Palak Bajaj, Dr. Amanpreet Singh Brar
8 Modeling and CFD Analysis of a CD Nozzle to investigate the effect of divergence length and divergence Angles.
Atam Parkash, Dr. Anuranjan Sharda
9 Computer Assisted Learning Ecosystem.
Amanpal Singh Rayat, Inderjit Singh
10 Investigation of Stock Herding in Indian Food Processing Sector.
Shivam Poply, Khushdeep Dharni, Rakesh Rathore, Dr. IS Grewal
11 Do Behavioural Biases Affects Individual's Investment Decisions: A Myth or Reality!!
Madhuri Sharma, Dr. Sameer Varma

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